Technology at the service of the organization

Technology at the service of the organization

4.9 / 5 ( 14 votes ) The Corporate Technology and Processes Division at MAPFRE, known by all its employees as “the DCTP”, designs, plans and manages MAPFRE’s technologies. It also boosts, collaborates and provides the support needed to manage processes, all with a...
MAPFRE Trainees, attracting young talent

MAPFRE Trainees, attracting young talent

5 / 5 ( 5 votes ) The Trainee program is a process of attracting and developing young talent to bring into the company. TEXT María Jesús Pérez Fuentes and Andrea Burgui | ILUSTRATIONS Thinkstock The professionals who make up our team are of decisive value and are...
The future is already here. Digital employment

The future is already here. Digital employment

4.7 / 5 ( 6 votes ) The dizzying pace at which technological progress generates new macro trends leaves no one indifferent. Experts in different fields of knowledge agree that we are facing a paradigm shift,  which will transform the world in which we live and work....