Previous Issues

DECEMBER 2016. Nº 94
INTERVIEW WITH CON ANTONIO HUERTAS:”If we all pull together, we can improve the whole company”, Social responsibility, essential for growth, New People space on the Global Intranet, MAPFRE’s Digital Business Plan…

OCTOBER 2016, Nº 93
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Gaining agility to consolidate our leadership; People with talent and commitment, that is us in MAPFRE; Interview with Jesús Martínez Castellanos, CEO of LATAM NORTH; Developments in the automobile sector: the intelligent car…

JULY 2016, NO. 92
MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES: all for one and one for all, Interview with Eduardo Pérez de Lema: CEO of MAPFRE RE, Corporate Technology Platform: moving toward a global digital environment…

MARCH 2016, NO. 91
THE GLOBAL INTERNET: a milestone in MAPFRE’s transformation, MAPFRE wants to develop its strategic talent, Keys to enhancing your presence in social networks, MAPFRE’s institutional principles…

DECEMBER 2015. Nº 90
STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2018: Focus on profitable growth, The underwriter’s mission, The MAPFRE innovation model really takes off, Interview with Wilson Toneto…

SEPTEMBER 2015. Nº 89
GROW WITH US: MAPFRE’s commitment to the development of university talent, Interview with Jaime Tamayo, Centennial of MAPFRE LA CENTRO AMERICANA, Internal trainers…

JULY 2015. Nº 88
MAPFRE CORPORATE VOLUNTEERING: Part of you, Gamification, when management seems to be a game, Mobility, competitive edge and development opportunity, Actuaries, in the line of defense…

MARCH 2014, NO. 87
STRATEGIC SEGMENTATION: Purposeful customer orientation, Performance evaluation, Insurance already offers online protection, Claims processors with the goal of providing solutions…

DECEMBER 2014, NO. 86
Innovation: Ideas at the service of the business, MAPFRE in the Volvo Ocean Race, Keys to holding effective meetings, Professional career paths defined in the job map …

SEPTEMBER 2014, NO. 85
New Data Processing Center, The Corporate University, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’S 25th Anniversary, Youth Employment …