Currently, we companies are moving in an environment in which changes are occurring at breakneck speed. The term VUCA (acronym for “Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity”) was coined to describe such environments in which both businesses and those of us who...
Entradas Categoria "I am MAPFRE"
Do you want to grow professionally?
MAPFRE places at your disposal the tools you need to do so TEXT SARA ELENA TORRES HORTAL | IMAGES ISTOCK & CORPORATE HR AREA For MAPFRE, people are at the center of its activities and developing them is a strategic priority for us, given that what sets our company...
Something is changing in MAPFRE. Want to find out what?
People’s attitude when it comes to changing their job, either within or outside their company, is changing in all respects, whether as regards the sources, tools and formats employed in the search for new kinds of job profiles, or the time the processes take, which...
The Digital Challence, a reality in our daily work
The Digital Challenge was launched in 2017, together with four other strategic initiatives – SAM 3.0, Digital Health, Major Cities and Predictive Models – with the aim of boosting our company’s digital transformation process. As a result, the Human Resources Area,...
As we look back over the 100 issues of The World of MAPFRE and its 25-year history, we can see how Human Resources has featured regularly in our magazine, given that fully understanding the history of our company without this area would be inconceivable. TEXT...
Proactive, comprehensive talent management, a competitive advantage FOR MAPFRE
Having successfully completed its mission as a strategic initiative, talent management is fully integrated as an everyday function in the company, by way of a common methodology designed to consistently respond to the needs of the business. TEXT PABLO FUENTES |...
Innovation and its training IN MAPFRE
For MAPFRE, training in innovation methodologies provides the company with resources to face its major challenges in a transversal fashion, always with our customers in mind. TEXT ANA GUTIÉRREZ (@alvana72) | PHOTOGRAPHS MAPFREMAPFRE MAPFRE identifies innovation as a...
The Digital Challenge
Knowledge Paths: MAPFRE adapts its learning process to the strategy of each business and function
This is a key project which will ensure the organization has the training resources necessary to fully develop its personnel and support the business. TEXT Pablo Fuentes ILLUSTRATION Thinkstock Training is an essential element for MAPFRE. This is clearly reflected...