It’s time for a new edition of Knowledge Day

It’s time for a new edition of Knowledge Day

Knowledge Day is an event that uses a dynamic question-and-answer game to show the benefits employees can gain from the knowledge MAPFRE makes available to us, from sharing that information, and from using Eureka. This event held its second edition from November 16 to...
Pásate a la acción

Pásate a la acción

4 OF EVERY 10 EMPLOYEES IN SPAIN HAVE TAKEN ACTION The last day of November was the closing date for switching to MAPFRE shares and taking advantage of the magnificent terms and conditions offered by the company and the benefits provided by Spain’s tax law. In the...
Digital Champions, our Digital Workplace travel partners

Digital Champions, our Digital Workplace travel partners

TEXT VIOLETA MATEO | IMAGES MAPFRE, ISTOCK When we face a change, no matter how hard we try, we can’t help but feel a bit of fear and worry: “I’ve always done it like this, why change now?” Digital Workplace invites us to adopt new habits in our day-to-day work...
Natural disasters: we partner with technology to manage risk

Natural disasters: we partner with technology to manage risk

TEXT NEUS MARTÍNEZ | PHOTOGRAPHY ISTOCK Environment-related Disasters cause enormous economic and social problems, while also putting people at risk. Until a few years ago, it was believed that risks could be prevented based on data collected from past natural...