Jun 2, 2022 | COVER STORY
TEXT JOAQUÍN HERNÁNDEZ | IMAGES MAPFRE 2021 was challenging in every way. It was a year marked by the strain of COVID-19, as many countries continued to be impacted by high death tolls, and a year in which the economy started to recover, though it remained well below...
Feb 3, 2022 | Fundación MAPFRE
TEXT MAPFRE WORLD EDITORIAL | PHOTOGRAPHS MAPFRE, ISTOCK The Ageingnomics Research Center presents the Senior Talent Map 2021, a study that provides an occupational snapshot of the Spanish population between the ages of 55 and 75, and proposes changes to capitalize on...
Jan 30, 2022 | Keeping Well
TEXT PREVENTION DEPARTMENT, JOINT PREVENTION SERVICE | IMAGES ISTOCK The way we get around is changing, and companies need to work with all social agents to achieve safer and more sustainable mobility. Mobility is an integral part of almost every aspect of our daily...
Jan 29, 2022 | I am MAPFRE
This day, which falls on December 5, is a unique opportunity to thank all our MAPFRE volunteers for their efforts. Through their work, which is synonymous with commitment, fairness, solidarity, empathy and respect for others, they make our world a better place. In...