An art filled fall

An art filled fall

The global pandemic we are going through has not stifled Your Foundation’s desire to make art available to you. Thus, as we reported in the previous issue of The World of MAPFRE, early October saw the opening of the KBr Photography Center in Barcelona with two...
Cyber attack heroes

Cyber attack heroes

TEXTO VIOLETA MATEO| PHOTOGRAPHS MAPFRE, ISTOCK In the corporate world, things do not happen by chance, nor because someone – no matter how big a boss it may be – wants it. They happen because they are planned, as we have seen in the cyberattack chronicle...
Sustainability, key to success for MAPFRE

Sustainability, key to success for MAPFRE

TEXT NURIA DEL OLMO | PHOTOS MAPFRE, ISTOCK The company has set itself over 30 Horizon 2021 targets to combat global challenges such as the climate emergency or inequality. It does so within the framework of its commitment to sustainability, in line with its 2019-2021...
INFODEMIC, another invisible plague in this coronavirus

INFODEMIC, another invisible plague in this coronavirus

TEXTO JAVIER ORTEGA |ILLUSTRATION ISTOCK COVID-19 is the first pandemic in history during which technology and social media are being utilized on a huge scale to help people stay connected and fully informed. However, at the same time, these tools have become a...