The Virtual Foresthas been created for you to learn more about and reduce your consumption of print outs

Jul 22, 2023 | Sustainable MAPFRE

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At MAPFRE we care about the great natural treasures that connect us all, and we know that together we can make the changes necessary to protect them. With each small action, each small gesture, each one of us plays our part to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead.

One of these small gestures is reducing the volume of paper we print every day. To help us achieve this, we created the MAPFRE Virtual Forest, a site that, to date, has been implemented in Spain and that provides information about the consumption of paper, toner or energy by printers. Equipped with this information, we can be aware of our consumption and reduce it as much as possible.

For each ton of paper we decide not to use for printing, up to 20 trees will not have to be cut down and 7,000 kWh of electricity and 5,000 liters of water will not have to be consumed. This website is available on the People Space on the Intranet, in the My day to day section.

For each ton of paper we decide not to use for printing, up to 20 trees will not have to be cut down and 7,000 kWh of electricity and 5,000 liters of water will not have to be consumed.


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