Fundación MAPFRE’s Ageingnomics Research Center has presented a new study, the 2nd Senior Talent Map – Spain in the European context, undertaken and coordinated by professors Rafael Puyol, Alfonso Jiménez and Iñaki Ortega, and involving the participation of fifteen experts from different countries.
The report was prepared based on a representative sample made up of seven countries: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Sweden and Portugal, offering us a picture of the occupational reality of those over the age of 55 on our continent and information to be taken into consideration: the employability rate of Spanish seniors is ten percent lower than the European average.

Managing senior talent country by country
The nations involved in this study belong to the three large European geographical groups (north, center and south) and their total population accounts for more than 70% of the EU total. The main findings of this study include the following:
• Germany
Boasts the highest participation of seniors in terms of all the population in employment from across the EU. Companies in its automotive sector also set the benchmark when it comes to best practices.
• Portugal
Has a high percentage of self-employed seniors and companies with sophisticated programs in relation to wage incentives for those aged over 50.
• France
Is very advanced in terms of gender equality in relation to senior employment. Its multinationals in the finance sector are worth particular mention for promoting age-friendly programs.
• Italy
Is experiencing major growth in the employment of seniors in the EU. Worth particular mention are their best practices in relation to reskilling and upskilling.
• Poland
Is the country, of those analyzed, which has experienced the highest growth in terms of senior female employment.
• Sweden
Sets the benchmark in all indicators and has the highest rates of activity and employment amongst seniors from across the entire EU.
• Spain
Has improved its figures both in terms of employment and entrepreneurship; however, our figures are still a long way from those recorded by Sweden (65% employment in Spain compared to 85% in Sweden) and are ten points below the European average. In Spain, one in three unemployed people is aged over 50. Analysts from the Ageingnomics Research Center estimate that reducing this gap would allow increases in national GDP of between five
and ten percentage points.