Technical knowledge has been a key element at MAPFRE over the years. This expert knowledge is becoming increasingly important and it’s essential in adapting to the changes and needs of our customers.
The knowledge that MAPFRE needs and that each of us can contribute opens the doors to new development opportunities at the company in the form of technical careers.
Below, experts from different countries and companies discuss the importance of knowledge in addressing day-to-day challenges and, most importantly, promoting transformation in their respective areas.
These employees are an example of how MAPFRE’s people must continue to receive training and continuous learning, always going one step further, to provide the expert knowledge that makes us stand out and that is now a key element of your development.

Adriá Xaus Pariente
Advanced Analytics Expert at MAPFRE Spain
“The part of my professional profile that gives me most satisfaction is being able to materialize and be aware of my daily contribution to the progress made by an area (and therefore by the organization) through new ways of working and projects that add real value.”
Adriá’s profile is transversal and multidisciplinary: he has solid knowledge and skills and understands methodologies mainly related to data science, and to a lesser extent, statistics and computer science. These qualities are put at the service of areas or departments to contribute to their development, make them more efficient and to promote and transform them, based on data analytics. Extensive knowledge of the specific business is required, as the area or department needs to apply these qualities to its business needs. In the case of Adriá, these functions are performed within the Business Intelligence Area, focusing on the Non-Life Technical Area, specifically on the People lines of business (Health, Burials and Travel Assistance).
By having more and better information about the business you manage, you can properly interpret its circumstances from different angles, making the right decisions for your future and even getting ahead through predictive models based on data science. “The part of my professional profile that gives me most satisfaction is being able to materialize and be aware of my daily contribution to the progress made by an area (and therefore by the organization) through new ways of working and projects that add real value.” One of the projects undertaken in which all of this can be seen is the monitoring of the loss ratio in the Health line of business according to claim criteria, in cooperation with the Business Intelligence Area. This project has allowed us to view, analyze and interpret a series of methods in an innovative way by applying an efficient tool.
Adriá believes it is essential to “keep proactivity alive, along with the desire to learn, motivation, commitment, the ability to listen and relay… to believe in it and cultivate it every day. Orienting everything towards the objective of keeping energy alive.”
“The implementation of technical careers and supporting a series of profiles based on technical knowledge demonstrates that MAPFRE values this type of profile and is committed to their development at the company, both in the short term and the long term,” explained Adriá.

Mariana del Carmen Hernández Basarte
Customer Expert MAPFRE Mexico
“Knowing that every day we can do things a little different really makes a difference.”
Mariana del Carmen Hernández is head of innovation at MAPFRE Mexico, and she also works in the customer loyalty area, a second task that, as she explains: “although it’s more sales-oriented, there is a creative side to it that I’ve always enjoyed, allowing me to be in contact with customers, our raison d’être.” Mariana considers herself to be passionate about her work, and she’s convinced that her attitude is a critical factor in getting things done.
On a daily basis, she handles culture and innovation issues, where she’s responsible for looking for different ways to promote other ways of thought and different projects that are beneficial to the company and its employees. These projects also allow us to stay close and connected to customers, adapting to their different environments as well as to new emerging changes.
In her professional area, Mariana keeps MAPFRE’s transversal philosophy in mind, which is a commitment to being more than just a company and to contributing through the people area. “Having initiative, as well as contributing ideas that might be valuable to other areas and looking for new markets or trends that can be implemented for the common good.” In addition to the technical side, Mariana states how, in her opinion, some of the most important goals of her work are “to spread good cheer and try to do our job a little better each day than we did the day before.” She goes on to say that “knowing that every day we can do things a little different really makes a difference.”
Among the different projects she has undertaken, Innojunior is worth particular mention, a completely new approach developed for little ones that was very successful.
Everything is constantly changing, and more so in an area like Mariana’s. Which is why when asked about her professional future, she has no doubts: “I have no limits, I try to adapt myself to the present and remain open to whatever comes my way.” However, one thing that Mariana emphasized was that it’s vital to be happy with what you do every day. “We are also here to enjoy the work we do and to be passionate about it, you have to find a way of enjoying what you do.”

Rosa Lau
Project Management and Strategy Expert MAPFRE Panama
“As leaders, the challenge is keeping pace with the evolution of technological innovation.”
Rosa Lau has been with the company for more than 10 years, an extensive career where she has been able to gain experience in different areas, “from technical to finance.”
As part of her daily responsibilities, Rosa works with different work teams to design, monitor and control the implementation and follow up of strategy and transformation projects, as well as different plans. As she explains, “it is about coordinating the company’s entire strategic planning process, integrating metrics and monitoring local and corporate tools. As well as supporting the project sponsors in the definition and support of KPIs, we guarantee the correct application of procedures, criteria and methodology for the achievement of projects and results, in a timely manner that sticks to form.”
Rosa Lau says that what she likes most about her profession is its transversality. “Working with all areas of the company and getting involved with each team makes my work challenging and versatile at the same time.” Furthermore, she highlighted constant communication between colleagues as one of the things she’s proudest of, “it’s key to the proper undertaking of any project and the proper functioning of transversal teamwork.”
Looking to the future, as in the case of Mariana del Carmen, Rosa shares the idea of constant change. “As leaders, the challenge is keeping pace with the evolution of technological innovation.”
As part of her work, Rosa Lau explains how when planning any project, the customer and information are at the center, to connect the different pieces, analyze trends, assess environments and establish needs. “As part of my job coordinating projects and applying methodologies, confidence, establishing goals and involving the entire team in decisions are key factors.” In terms of essential behaviors, she mentions communication skills, problem-solving capacity, camaraderie, integrity, responsibility and collaboration. Finally, she is aware of the importance of these skills, which she considers more important even than language proficiency, technological tools, courses, etc.

Rosemeire R. L. Dos Santos
Expert in II Training MAPFRE Brazil
“We’re going to train our staff more and more. The world is constantly changing and we’ll need more trained people, which is what we’re here for!”
As part of her daily activities, Rosemeire helps develop collaborators. In coordination with the training team in Brazil, she’s responsible for contracting providers as well as developing behavioral and technical training topics.
When asked to choose, Rosemeire is quick to mention the favorite parts of her daily work. She talks about how the process of defining and building a topic to later be disseminated is fascinating for her, as this is a creative and collaborative process. She goes on to assert: “project delivery and classes are even more gratifying, because this is where the effectiveness of our work is reflected.”
Of all the projects she has worked on, Rosemeire highlighted the 2021 leadership program as one of the most important to her. “It was really gratifying, because after the pandemic, we were able to launch it here in Brazil and train 95% of our leaders.”
In her opinion, the future is bright. “We’re going to train our staff more and more. The world is constantly changing and we’ll need more trained people, which is what we’re here for!” Constant change isn’t a challenge though, but an opportunity.
Rosemeire says that there are several factors of her profession that are critical, such as trust, and that it works both ways, both being a person who can be trusted and trusting others. As well as being proactive and patient.
Working closely with others, Rosemeire is aware of the value and skill this involves. Which is why MAPFRE’s work with people is also worth particular mention, as one of the aspects that most contributes and benefits her both professionally and personally, making her daily activities gratifying, pleasant and simple.

Eulogio Natalio Chahuayo Rosas
Auto Underwriting Expert MAPFRE Peru
“I believe that my work is particularly important, as I contribute my experience and knowledge of mandatory vehicle insurance to the benefit not only of our customers, but to everybody who forms part of MAPFRE Peru, including our society, as guaranteeing the proper functioning of this insurance contributes to the security and safeguarding of all people who take out mandatory vehicle insurance.”
Eulogio Natalio Chahuayo is an expert in the mandatory vehicle insurance line of business, with more than 25 years’ experience in the automotive risk industry. His job is to maintain a technical balance that facilitates the feasibility and sustainability of this type of insurance over time, avoiding legal risk and fraud risk. His responsibilities also include proposing and implementing improvements in operating systems so as to expedite the underwriting of this massive insurance.
In his everyday work, Eulogio Natalio is dedicated to making mandatory vehicle insurance a dynamic, practical sector focused on serving internal and external customers. He’s also tasked with monitoring the mandatory vehicle insurance market to look for business opportunities in collaboration with MAPFRE’s managers and directors. One of his main responsibilities is “overseeing compliance with underwriting manuals and policies.”
“I believe that my work is particularly important, as I contribute my experience and knowledge of mandatory vehicle insurance to the benefit not only of our customers, but to everybody who forms part of MAPFRE Peru, including our society, as guaranteeing the proper functioning of this insurance contributes to the security and safeguarding of all people who take out mandatory vehicle insurance.”
Eulogio asserts that mandatory vehicle insurance has had and continues to have a huge impact on the Peruvian economy, as it guarantees coverage of medical, burial and compensation expenses, which, before this type of insurance was implemented, were not assumed by the drivers responsible for traffic accidents, leaving victims unprotected. In terms of particularly noteworthy projects, Eulogio mentions the transformation of issuing physical mandatory vehicle insurance certificates to electronic certificates. “By the end of November 2022, 88.60% of our mandatory vehicle insurance certificates were issued in digital format. The business model we’re now working with has helped us to improve and thus reduce operating expenses.”
In Eulogio’s line of work, constant communication with insurance intermediaries and managers of MAPFRE offices nationwide is essential. “This fluidity not only makes the business particularly dynamic, but also allows us to provide feedback.”
Eulogio has a clear philosophy: “Today, I’m going to give it my all as if it were my first day at MAPFRE. When someone starts a new job, they’re more willing to learn, to listen and to contribute new ideas freely.”

Zeynep Sezen Aksoy
Actuary Senior Consultant MAPFRE Sigorta
“In my opinion, what’s best about MAPFRE is that as well as leading, it encourages people to participate in the activities we organize, and in charitable and awareness-raising initiatives.”
Zeynep studied statistics, and thanks to different job opportunities, she has reached her current job position. Each and every day, she strives to solve and offer better business solutions, as well as automating insofar as possible to develop new techniques and improve. In her opinion, the most important part of her job is trying to guess and simulate customer conduct through different reports and studies. Companies who best understand how to do this reap the rewards. “The techniques, models and perspectives on the market of the different actions are more or less the same, but understanding the needs and reactions of the customer will make the difference.”
“My favorite part of the job is definitely seeing the hidden parts of reality.” As explained by Zeynep, by applying the techniques in her daily activities, as well as in the reports she generates, it’s possible to identify the real causes and predict or estimate what will happen in the future. As is the case of some of her colleagues, Zeynep emphasizes the personal side as a fundamental part of her profession: the element that makes the difference. “I think everybody has something different to offer. Whether their thought process, their way of life or skills, knowledge, or even hobbies. The combination of physical and spiritual perspectives makes us unique. In particular when it comes to pricing, this drives us to stand apart from the rest and probably helps us to be successful.” Furthermore, she highlights the importance of not giving up, of looking for areas for improvement, and of not losing the ambition or courage to try something new and different.
As part of pricing processes, Zeynep explains how handling big data is essential and the most complex and relevant part of this, as the main task is assigning meaning to those numbers. “You have to bear different perspectives in mind, testing and simulating the results. On the way to achieving our objectives, you have to look at all the possible alternatives and try to understand the pros and cons of your choices.”
Zeynep, as an employee, feels that the company demonstrates concern for the community as a whole, as well as for the environment. “In my opinion, what’s best about MAPFRE is that as well as leading, it encourages people to participate in the activities we organize, and in charitable and awareness-raising initiatives.” “Being part of all this makes me feel really good about myself.”

Raúl Ponsoda Gil
Technology Expert MAPFRE RE
“Having the chance to personally visit colleagues from different countries, some of whom are located very remotely, is something I always valued and I think is very positive for everyone.”
Raúl Ponsoda Gil works in the infrastructure area of the IT Department, supporting both MAPFRE RE and MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS.
“Fortunately, my daily work changes up a lot,” although there are certain fixed factors. As well as reacting to problems reported, he works on different projects. “My job is mainly to help others so they can do their jobs properly.” Although there is one factor that Raúl emphasizes when it comes to his work, and that is “the excellent relationship and collaboration between colleagues, no matter what country or company. In my opinion, this is something that needs to be maintained.”
Despite the wide array of projects he has worked on, his favorites are undoubtedly those that involve visiting other offices, as part of the transformation plan for all of MAPFRE RE’s international offices. “Having the chance to personally visit colleagues from different countries, some of whom are located very remotely, is something I always valued and I think is very positive for everyone.”
However, looking towards the future, Raúl is aware that “these are times of great uncertainty,” in particular in the technology sector. To this end, they are launching projects in new technologies, changes in data storage, etc. Raúl also explains that we shouldn’t be afraid of new projects, “even when they are outside your comfort zone. Everything changes, but I think that there are practically always opportunities, and you have to take advantage of them.”
Raúl emphasizes personal factors and attitudes as being critical elements. “It’s impossible for us to know all the technologies that users might ask us for, but we can dedicate all our resources to helping in the best way possible. And more so taking into account that we even try to anticipate queries in some cases, such as through MAPFRE Talks, which consist of informal chats where we explain the best ways to use different tools to our colleagues.”
For those who work for MAPFRE, merely working for the company and the advantages it offers are worth particular praise. “It’s very difficult to find companies that offer so many social and employment benefits. I think it is one of the strong points when it comes to retaining talent at the company.”