From the very beginning, special attention was paid to our communications approach, striving to ensure that the company’s digital channels contributed to the dissemination of useful information, not just from the business standpoint, but rather, above all else, of an informative nature, given the unprecedented situation faced around the world.
In this regard, as well as sharing messages related to accident prevention and health issues, we focused on information that could prove valuable by providing a broader perspective of the crisis we are experiencing, whether in the personal, professional or educational sphere, or as regards future human relations… All the while giving voice to the experts. Researchers, doctors, or psychologists were some of the experts we approached to clarify doubts and offer advice through a series of articles and interviews.
Moreover, given the uncertainty of world markets and economies, MAPFRE.com also became the go-to website for those seeking the best financial analysis, thanks to our experts offering a weekly selection of articles and content of interest.
Our new website was also the place to head for in order to access the most up-to-date information on the contributions MAPFRE and Fundación MAPFRE were making to the fight against COVID-19 worldwide.

United on the Net
As for our social media, they provided a meeting place for our great MAPFRE family to show the world how united we are when it comes to tackling this situation. Since its first use, the hashtag #InMAPFREMoreUnitedThanEver has been widely used and prominent in all three corporate languages, generating more than 14,000 mentions.
Employees, clients, collaborators, etc. have used it to express the spirit with which we are confronting these difficult times and to share our actions to help overcome this painful period.
The MAPFRE profiles, which adapted their image for this situation, also served to channel that feeling of gratitude society feels for all those essential workers who have been giving their very best to take care of us all throughout this time. With our “We applaud you” action (shared across all platforms with a video and, on Twitter, also with a series of cards dedicated to different groups), we have filled social media with applause for our healthcare workers, those who protect us, those who stayed at home following the rules, and those who had to leave home in order to ensure our basic needs were always satisfied.
Joining the universal cry of all citizens and institutions, we also launched the message “Stay at home”, with an audiovisual piece in which we urged responsibility and for everyone to do their bit to achieve the common goal – end the pandemic.
Our employees also wished to help make the lockdown more bearable for all those who, like themselves, were unable to leave their homes. To do so, they joined our initiative We Are People to reveal their most personal side, sharing some of their home skills by demonstrating simple tips and tricks.

On all possible channels, the MAPFRE CEO wanted to demonstrate the fundamental role played by a company like ours in responding to the major challenge posed by this crisis and has reinforced a message that reflects how we look to the future from this great family: