MAPFRE takes care of you, because you are at the center of all our activity

Apr 20, 2020 | Keeping Well

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Our company will keep growing, thanks to the active involvement of well-trained, committed collaborators who, moreover, enjoy good health..


In MAPFRE we are striving to offer you a wellness space, which includes taking care of your health and your quality of life. Consequently, year after year, we target employees with numerous initiatives which are fully aligned with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), and help achieve Sustainable Development Objective 3: Good Health and Well-Being, of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

In this article we highlight the most noteworthy health-related actions undertaken worldwide by MAPFRE for its employees.

Health promotion campaigns

MAPFRE implements health promotion activities with the aim of raising awareness, informing and contributing to the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits.

Since the creation of its healthy company model, MAPFRE has organized the following global health campaigns on: Cancer, Addictions, Oral Health, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Health, AIDS, Stroke, Bone Marrow Donation, Positive Thinking and Gender Health.

In the People area of the global intranet, within the section MAPFRE takes care of me–Healthy Company Model, you can find information on all these campaigns.

All of these campaigns are carried out in addition to MAPFRE Week, which has been MAPFRE’s leading health-related event worldwide and, since 2019, also devoted to diversity. In the last issue of The World of MAPFRE, we offered you details of MAPFRE Week 2019.
On top of all this, we must mention the international days dedicated to health issues in which MAPFRE participates worldwide via People: World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 28), World No Tobacco Day (May 31), World Marrow Donor Day (September 21), World Breast Cancer Awareness Day (October 19), World Stroke Day (October 29), World Diabetes Day (November 14) and World AIDS Day (December 1). Moreover, in 2019, several countries signed up to the #MOVEMBER initiative.
Breast cancer

Every year, on October 19, MAPFRE participates in the World Day Against Breast Cancer with its campaign “Súmate al Rosa” [Join the Pink], to inform and make employees aware of the importance of regular checks and healthy lifestyle habits for the prevention of breast cancer.

Our badge of identity for this campaign is pink, the global symbol of the struggle against this disease. On that day, employees get involved by wearing pink and sharing photos to show their support for this cause. Every country organizes its own activities, including: talks to raise awareness and further detection rates; testimonies from people who have been through it; fundraising and charity runs to finance further research or for associations dedicated to the fight against cancer; hair donations; medical checkups and tests, or discounts to perform them; decoration of the offices; distribution of informative material; contests; awarenessraising activities through dance and music; illuminating emblematic buildings and landmarks to highlight the issue, and so on. There now follows a series of photos depicting the participation of employees from several countries in the 2019 Join the Pink awareness campaign.


In the People area of the global intranet you can find extensive information on drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and the new technologies. In 2019, four countries –the United States, Germany, Puerto Rico and Malta– organized specific health campaigns dedicated to raising awareness, prevention and helping employees quit the tobacco habit.

In the United States, ever since January 1, 2020, it has been established that all their facilities are to be smoke and tobacco-free areas. Employees wishing to quit smoking are also provided with a wide variety of resources and information. In Germany, a smoking cessation course was arranged, and 18 people have already abandoned this addiction as a result.


This past year saw MAPFRE carry out its first global information initiative on diabetes, a pathology suffered by some 422 million people around the world, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), and which is set to become the seventh leading cause of death worldwide by the year 2030. In 2020, our company intends to conduct a more comprehensive global campaign on this topic.

United States has been organizing local campaigns about this disease for several years, and Puerto Rico and Mexico likewise highlight the need to prevent this disease at different times throughout the year.

Gender health

In 2019, MAPFRE also launched its first global campaign dedicated to gender health issues. Diversity is present in every sphere throughout our company, including Health, and, in this context, there are indeed real gender-related differences. MAPFRE treats, promotes and cares about the health of its employees, regardless of their gender. The “Together, healthy” campaign informed and raised awareness about health care from a gender perspective.

In Venezuela, talks and newsletters were also dedicated to various diseases affecting each gender: Urinary tract infections, prostatitis, candidiasis, prostatic hyperplasia and contraception.


In order to facilitate flu prevention among employees, vaccination campaigns were carried out in Germany, Argentina (which also arranged an awareness talk on the importance of vaccines), Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Malta, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico and Uruguay. In some countries, vaccination was extended to immediate relatives.

In addition to the seasonal flu vaccination campaign, it should be noted that, in Mexico , they ran a campaign against Hepatitis C and another against human papillomavirus (HPV) for both women and men, and, in Peru, a tetanus vaccination campaign.

Occupational health screening and medical consultations

In Spain, annual medical examinations are offered to those workers who want them, in addition to those provided to workers returning to work following prolonged sick leave, and other checkups in the face of exceptional health situations.

In Mexico, all initiatives related to health and well-being are integrated within the “Total Health” program. Moreover, they have “Ask the Doctor?”, an application available to employees from the People area, which allows them to send in questions via email when they have any doubts, or when seeking medical advice of any kind.

In Nicaragua, Paraguay, Portugal and Venezuela, they have a doctor’s office and offer medical examinations for children.

Novembro azul or movember

This international movement is committed to promoting a happier, healthier and longer life for men, informing and raising awareness about the prevention and early detection of prostate and testicular cancer.

Brazil and Spain participated with activities to raise awareness about male health issues.

Sports activities and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle

Sport helps improve our quality of life and, as a result, MAPFRE encourages both individual and collective sports practice. There now follow examples of the activities undertaken in order to avoid a sedentary lifestyle:

  • In Germany several charity races were promoted: the AVON Women’s Race in which the money collected was donated to the Berlin Cancer Society; relay races; the B2Run; and the Teltowkanal Half Marathon. To combat the sedentary lifestyle, they organized the No Elevator Day to encourage taking the stairs. Using the StepJockey app, work colleagues could see their ranking in real time, and were thus encouraged to climb more stairs and take the StepJockey Great Wall of China Challenge. The amount collected by all employees was donated to the Berlin Cancer Society, which will use the proceeds to offer advice to relatives of cancer patients.
  • In Brazil, they organized the Caminhada e Corrida program, which includes guidance and monitoring by a personal trainer twice a week, and has over 90 participants. They also sponsored the 2019 Pedal en Sampa cycling race and the Campeonato Interno de Futebol Society soccer championship, with 14 teams and over 200 players.
  • In Chile they organized Olympicstyle games. Nearly 130 people participated in a range of disciplines: athletics, bowling, soccer, table games, go-karting, swimming, talent, tennis, table tennis and volleyball.
  • In Spain they promoted sporting events such as fun runs (Entreculturas, Women’s Race, AECC Race, 50&50 Obstacle Race, Companies Race) and Bike Day. They also organized Zumba, Pilates and yoga classes.
  • In Mexico they have a multifunctional training program that includes physical/sports activities and wholesome habits with pre-defined short-term goals, as well as the Running Club and the national bowling tournament.
  • In Paraguay they run soccer, volleyball and table tennis tournaments.
  • In Portugal and Uruguay they offer their employees special conditions in gyms.
  • In Puerto Rico they run “Exercise Promotions” with 80 participants each week.
  • In Venezuela they promote “Healthy Thursday”, with sports activities and Therapeutic Dance, Zumba, Tae Tek, etc.
  • And in Turkey they promoted the Health Run, organized by the Youth and Sports Ministry, and offered yoga and Pilates classes.
Lactation rooms

They are available at some work centers in Mexico, United States and Spain. These are areas set aside for nursing mothers to use a breast pump during the workday and conserve the milk in a suitable location until they are due to return home.


In this field, Spain completed the Nutritional Coaching Challenge, namely workshops in which a psychologist/coach expert in nutritional matters offers guidance to employees so as to facilitate abandoning bad food-related habits and attitudes.

Venezuela, Uruguay and Mexico (within “Total Health”) have nutritional counseling; and Puerto Rico has its Healthy Market, where employees can purchase seasonal, locally-grown organic food products.

Other noteworthy actions

In Peru, the PAS (psychological assistance) program, which is offered by in-house psychologists, provides employees with emotional support and guidance regarding interpersonal relations.

In Venezuela they run the ‘En confianza’ [In Confidence] program which, through a whole range of actions, helps reinforce workers’ protective factors, thereby boosting their health and safety. For over 20 years, that country has also been organizing the ‘Vida Salud’ [Healthy Life] Workshop. Its aim is to motivate a proper balance between personal and working life, with various activities on preventive health care, family integration, sports activities, recreational and leisure activities, for both employees and their relatives.
In Uruguay there were five mindfulness workshops, while, in Argentina, they offered a course on the correct use of motorcycle helmets, in Germany, a self-defense course for women, in the United States, Turkey and Peru, oral health campaigns, and, in Peru, Puerto Rico and Turkey, eyesight campaigns, with the addition, in Peru, of an E.N.T. campaign. On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, on June 14, blood donations were organized in 25 countries; in addition, Germany ran a second donation campaign in September, Argentina gave a talk to raise awareness about the need for organ donations and Venezuela held an encounter to offer information on donating blood.

In addition, MAPFRE offers its employees informative campaigns produced by Fundación MAPFRE, which are designed to help prevent disease and encourage healthy lifestyles, such as “Women For the Heart” which warns of the risks to women of cardiovascular diseases. It also promotes the “Choose Health” initiative, available in Spain via People on the intranet, where you can find tips and recommendations from Fundación MAPFRE for achieving a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy company model

MAPFRE has a Policy on Health and Well-Being and the Prevention of Occupational Hazards, as well as a healthy company model. These enable us to systematize the actions to be taken in the field of both physical and mental health promotion, whether in the labor environment or in our employees’ personal and family sphere; they envisage five areas in which our company can work on health issues: labor environment, personal environment, health promotion, nutrition and physical exercise, and mental well-being. With this model, MAPFRE becomes an important agent for promoting the health of its collaborators.

Labor environment

  • Performance of risk assessments on workplaces, facilities and individual workstations.
  • Training and information for employees on occupational hazards.
  • Epidemiological and accident rate studies.
  • Prevention of workrelated accidents.
  • Emergency measures.
Physical activity and nutrition

  • Healthy eating habits, health promotion campaigns.
  • Healthy eating in work centers (cafeteria, vending machines,…).
  • Information and recommendations on the benefits of physical activity.
  • Promotion of sporting activities.
Personal environment

  • Family environment. Parenting school.
  • Women, Work and Health.
  • Aging.
  • Prevention of domestic accidents.
Health promotion

  • Prevention of noncommunicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular ailments and others).
  • Regular medical checkups
  • Health awareness campaigns.
  • Medical advice.
Mental well-being

  • Stress management.
  • Psychological support.
  • Self-efficacy techniques.
  • Rest.
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