MAPFRE week from health to diversity

Oct 22, 2019 | Keeping Well

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The MAPFRE Week, a project headed by the Corporate People and Organization Area, is a unique event to promote looking after health and well-being, a true reflection of our commitment and values. This year, for the first time, the initiative has incorporated diversity as one of its principal themes.


La Semana MAPFRE se ideó en su origen como un proyecto especial para promover entre los empleados y sus familias estilos de vida saludables, así como impulsar programas de fomento del bienestar y de prevención de las enfermedades más frecuentes. La iniciativa, ya convertida en evento anual, ahonda en el compromiso social y los valores de MAPFRE y propicia que los empleados se sientan parte de una gran empresa, fomentando sinergias entre las distintas áreas y cohesionando equipos diversos.

The MAPFRE Week was originally conceived as a special project to promote healthy lifestyles among employees and their families, as well as to advance programs fostering well-being and the prevention of the most frequent diseases. The initiative, which has since become an annual event, takes MAPFRE’s social commitment and values one step further and encourages employees to feel part of a large company, boosting synergies between the various areas and uniting diverse teams.

Last June marked the fourth edition of the MAPFRE Week, organized globally from the Human Resources Area. In just five years, the event has established itself as one of the most popular initiatives among our employees and has helped position us as a benchmark company clearly fully committed to furthering health and well-being. For this very reason, MAPFRE received the 2017 Health and Company Award presented by the specialist journal RRHH Digital, which recognized the MAPFRE Week as one of the best initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles among the employees of a company.

But reaching this point has not been easy. The organization of an event of these characteristics entails a major effort to coordinate the different teams all around the world, led by the Corporate People and Organization Area.

Senior Management’s commitment to the MAPFRE Week these last few years has proved essential for ensuring that the initiative is now firmly established within the organization as a faithful reflection of our core values

In 2018, the crew of the MAPFRE boat in the Volvo Ocean Race recorded a video to encourage participation. This year, the video featured Ignacio Baeza, the MAPFRE vice chairman

Ignacio Baeza

2015 saw a pilot run of the MAPFRE Week in Majadahonda

With the slogan, “Love yourself! Live… Healthy!” The new initiative sought to encourage employees to come together and participate in initiatives with one single theme: health promotion.

Nutrition and relaxation workshops, talks on first aid and taking care of the elderly, Tai chi and Zumba classes, physical and mental well-being sessions, a healthy cooking masterclass… were just some of the 60-plus activities organized during a pilot run that took place at the head offices in Majadadonda (Spain) in 2015. These culminated with an open day for employees and their families at the company headquarters, with everyone enjoying a comprehensive program of activities. The Corporate Volunteering initiative also had a significant presence at this event.

Following the success of that pilot run, in 2016 the MAPFRE Week became an international event celebrated in 24 countries. Over 450 activities were organized that year, laying down a clear precedent for the following global editions.

Health, Well-being and Diversity

In 2019 the MAPFRE Week was filled with color to celebrate the fact that, together with health and well-being, diversity had been incorporated as a further theme of this initiative. Diversity and inclusion are strategic topics for MAPFRE and, therefore, numerous awareness-raising activities took place over the week to highlight functional, cultural, generational and gender diversity.

In total, 862 activities took place in 31 countries, with 84.7 percent of the MAPFRE workforce worldwide participating in local activities, and 100 percent of the workforce engaging in global activities.

Moreover, as well as the local activities organized in each country, the corporate area organized four global activities this year. The first of these was the debut workshop on cultural diversity. Once it has been offered in a sufficient number of countries, it will enable a global map to be produced, reflecting the different cultural traits and customs present in the work environment of MAPFRE employees in each country. The second, the Healthy Selfie, in which employees posted their wholesome habits on social media under the hashtag #MAPFREHealthWeek.

In addition, the final day of MAPFRE Week this year, June 14, coincided with World Blood Donor Day. For this reason, our company organized the MAPFRE 24-hour Donation global activity, which presented employees in 27 countries with a further opportunity to help others. Around 1,300 donors donated over 600 liters of blood that will reach more than 4,000 beneficiaries.

Moreover, as well as the face-to-face activities, an extensive daily information campaign was undertaken via the Intranet, providing all MAPFRE employees worldwide with information on health, well-being and diversity issues.




Local 1 country
65 activities
+2.500 of workforce involved



Global 24 countries
453 activities
85,60% of workforce involved



Global 27 countries
693 activities
90,85% of workforce involved



Global 30 countries
743 activities
87,87% of workforce involved



Global 31 countries
862 activities
84,7% of workforce in local activities
100% of workforce in global activities


Some activities by country

ESPAÑA, Taichi, 2015

Spain, Taichi, 2015

URUGUAY, Family Day, 2019

URUGUAY, Family Day, 2019

CHINA, menú saludable, 2019

CHINA, healthy menu, 2019

CHILE, Salud Dental, 2017

CHINA, Dental Health, 2017


COSTA RICA, yoga, 2019

COSTA RICA, yoga, 2019

EE.UU., actividades deportivas, 2017

USA, sporting activities, 2017

FILIPINAS, ejercicios en la oficina. 2017

PHILIPPINES, exercise in the office. 2017

MÉXICO, taller infantil de cocina, 2017

MEXICO, children’s cooking workshop, 2017

MALTA, Almuerzo saludable, 2018

MALTA, Healthy Lunch, 2018

PUERTO RICO, Stand de alimentos saludable, 2016

PUERTO RICO, Wholesome food stand, 2016

VENEZUELA, taller diversidad cultural, 2019

VENEZUELA, cultural diversity workshop, 2019

VENEZUELA, taller de dibujos relajantes, 2017

VENEZUELA, relaxing drawing workshop, 2017

FILIPINAS, Zumba, 2016

PHILIPPINES, Zumba, 2016

PANAMÁ, Voluntarios, 2016

PANAMA, Volunteers, 2016

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