The leadership of the IBEX 35 executives translated into followers and likes

Oct 22, 2019 | Protagonists

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It is undeniable that social media have become yet another tool in the business world. Proper use of these online channels can help put the brand across to a wide range of people or, simply, bring us closer to clients in a more personal fashion. This is the case of the MAPFRE Chairman and CEO, Antonio Huertas, who uses his Twitter account to personally share content related to both the Group and his own interests. This opportunity to communicate directly with the public is one of the reasons why he is now ranked among the top four most relevant IBEX 35 executives, in terms of social media activity.


11,700 followers. A figure which, nowadays, translates into influence in the digital world. Antonio Huertas has this large number of followers on his Twitter account where — according to the study Presence of IBEX 35 Companies in the Digital Environment conducted by the Estudio de Comunicación agency in collaboration with the Spanish daily El País — he is firmly established as one of the executives who most encourages discussion about his company, citing it on several occasions and generating content.

At the presentation of the full report last July, the MAPFRE Chairman and CEO had the opportunity to hold a conversation with Miguel Jiménez, editor of the business newspaper Cinco Días and deputy economics editor at El País. During their encounter, Antonio Huertas once again stressed the importance of these communication channels for conveying company values, as well as the possibilities they offer for engaging with the public.

Huertas views social media as a space for discussing issues that really matter. For this reason, he has striven to encourage other influential leaders to participate in defending the world in which they believe. As he readily admits, he discusses topics that interest him, such as sustainability, transformation and innovation, in the hope that this conversation will assist the development of individuals and the societies in which MAPFRE is present.

The report states that…

22.9 percent of Ibex 35 company chairmen and 17.2 percent of their CEOs already have a Twitter account, according to the study Presence of Ibex 35 Companies in the Digital Environment, conducted by Estudio de Comunicación. In this environment, the MAPFRE Chairman and CEO comes fourth in the ranking of the Ibex 35 company chairmen most active on social media.

Ana Botín (Santander), José María Alvarez-Pallete (Telefónica), Jordi Sevilla (Red Eléctrica Española) and Antonio Huertas are the leading chairmen in this ranking.

“These four profiles publish and retweet information related to their companies, link to articles on the sector in which they operate and draft their own content on the actions the company is undertaking,” the report points out.

Together with Banco Sabadell, Naturgy, Caixabank and Cellnex, MAPFRE also heads the list of companies with the greatest number of tweets or retweets with corporate content.

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The leadership of the IBEX 35 executives translated into followers and likes

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