Oct 16, 2018 | Keeping Well, KEEPING WELL

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Last June, in MAPFRE we started a global campaign to raise awareness of the need for bone marrow donations, an act of solidarity which, in many cases, is the only glimmer of hope for those suffering from leukemia and other blood diseases. Why are we in MAPFRE so committed to this action?

• The data accompanying this article speak for themselves. Therefore, the more people who are registered, the greater the chance of finding a compatible donor for each patient and, above all, someone close to their place of residence found faster.

• For all those people who have received a transplant or have gone through the process of donating bone marrow, and need our support every day. In our digital edition you can read the testimony of our colleague Alfredo Arán Iglesias, who received a bone marrow transplant.

• Because, while in other cases a donation helps several people (for example a blood donor can help three people), a bone marrow donation is exclusively for one patient.

• Because the role of patient, relative or friend may fall to any of us at any time.

• Because, in MAPFRE, we have a commitment with people’s health in every sphere, and we wish to contribute to this by disseminating useful information. For example, within the MAPFRE Week awareness-raising activities in Spain, a talk was given entitled “You could save a life. Would you like to know how? (Bone marrow donation)”, which showed the way of understanding bone marrow donations from the viewpoint of donors, patients who have overcome their illness thanks to a transplant, and doctors.

If you wish to follow this campaign in more detail and get more information on this topic, you can do so via the People Space on the global intranet, specifically through the section MAPFRE Looks After Me – Health and Well-being – Health Promotion and the monthly news bulletins published.

We invite you to join because you could save a life!

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