School supplies for underprivileged children

Sep 1, 2017 | FOUNDATION NEWS, Fundación MAPFRE, Noticias Fundación

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During the month of September, Fundación MAPFRE launched the campaign El Futuro en un Estuche [The Future in a Pencil Case] within its #SéSolidario program, with the aim of purchasing school supplies for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Spain. This initiative proved possible thanks to the collaboration of Fundación MAPFRE volunteers who, together with local companies, helped distribute the material collected to the children who need it most, taking them back to that emotion of their first day at school.

Donors can always find out how the campaigns are going at Our Foundation guarantees donors that 100 percent of the amounts given reach the intended beneficiaries. The #SéSolidario program seeks to increasingly engage the general public, facilitating making social contributions through donations from just five euros.

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